Wise Decision Maker Guide
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Disaster Avoidance Experts

Greetings Decision maker,

As a manager, leading a reshuffled hybrid team after layoffs can be a challenging task. The team dynamic has changed, and employees may be feeling uncertain, anxious or even resentful about the changes. This can affect their motivation and productivity, which can lead to decreased morale, lower job satisfaction and eventually, high turnover. It can be even more difficult when the layoffs happened in a less-than-empathetic manner, such as many prominent tech companies – Google, Twitter, Amazon, Meta, and others – recently laying off their employees by email. 

However, with the right approach, managers can navigate this difficult situation and keep their teams motivated and productive

To learn more, check out thisblog.

Read Blog

Prefer video to text? See this video based on the blog:

#225: 5 Keys to Managing a Reshuffled Hybrid Team After Layoffs

If you prefer audio, listen to this podcast based on the blog:

Podcast: 5 Keys to Managing a Reshuffled Hybrid Team After Layoffs

Make Your Voice Heard

Vote in this LinkedIn poll to contribute to the conversation. I will use the responses to inform my articles in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Entrepreneur.

Poll: Do you think in-person meetings are more or
less effective than virtual ones?

Your Testimonials

You and others who gain value from Disaster Avoidance Experts services and thought leadership occasionally share testimonials about your experience, such as the one below. You can read more testimonials here.

Testimonial from Marisol Larez, CAO at the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, for Dr. Gleb

"I want to express my sincere appreciation for the training that Dr. Gleb put together for our group as a train-the-trainer on hybrid work. We really took a lot from it and found it really valuable. Two of the key areas for us were the way that it provided some very practical advice on how to operationalize hybrid work and train our supervisors on the approach related to that, as well as the insights related to data. And really connecting that and laying a foundation for our supervisors to really understand the impact that hybrid work is having and the way that the best practices are supported based on the research and the studies that are currently happening. We took a lot from it and really appreciate the investment and the time."

Marisol Larez, Chief Administrative Officer at the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies

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What’s Up With Me

Being vulnerable by sharing a story of a bad decision I made recently during my trip to Hawai’i to help facilitate strategic planning for Norpac Fisheries Export. I took a week-long vacation before the event, given it’s Hawai’i 🙂 On the day when Agnes, my business partner and wife, was tired after a late evening snorkel adventure to check out manta rays up close (totally awesome and worth it), I went alone to check out some petroglyphs at the Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Preserve on the Big Island of Hawai'i. The trail description said “the site is unpaved and goes through a kiawe forest with thorns on the ground” and advised wearing good shoes - fortunately, I had my hiking shoes, so the wrong shoes wasn’t the bad decision. The problem is that the trail is really hard to see in some places, as you can tell from the picture below with the kiawe trees - which had thorns as long as several inches. At one point, I wasn’t sure where the trail was, so I stopped to look around. Behind me, there was another hiker who confidently skipped me and walked onward. I figured he knew what he was doing and followed him. 

Dear reader, in fact he didn’t know what he was doing. We stepped off the trail and wandered around thorn-covered underbrush for nearly an hour before finding the trail again. Even though I was wearing hiking shoes, some thorns were long enough that they went through the sole of my shoe and into my foot. Fortunately, I had a medical kit that included a utility tool with pliers on hand. My feet are still ouchy, unfortunately, but such is life. I’ll be much more cautious in trusting others who appear confident in the future: I already do so in professional settings, of course, but I learned I have insufficiently generalized this knowledge to daily life settings.

close-up photo of Gleb's hand holding a small branch of a kiawe tree, with long thick thorns that are over 1" long

Would love to get your feedback on what you found most useful about this edition of the “Wise Decision Maker Guide” - simply reply to this email.

Decisively Yours,

Dr. Gleb

photo of Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please add me.

Did you miss out on reading any of my bestselling books?

Book cover: Never Go With Your Gut
Book cover: The Blindspots Between Us
Book cover: Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams

Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019)

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships(New Harbinger, 2020)

Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage(Intentional Insights, 2021)

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Disaster Avoidance Experts is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting science-based truth-seeking and wise decision-making. All profits are donated to Intentional Insights, an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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