Wise Decision Maker Guide
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Greetings Decision maker

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to adapt to remote work, and the results have been surprising. A new study from the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago found that remote work saved about two hours per week per worker in 2021 and 2022. Workers allocated 40 percent of time savings to work and about 11 percent to caregiving activities.

That’s over 45 minutes more work per week! No wonder extensive data shows that workers are more productive when working remotely.

To learn more, check out this blog.

Prefer video to text? See this video based on the blog:

If you prefer audio, here is a podcast based on the blog:

Podcast: New Study Uncovers the Secrets of Remote Work Productivity

Make Your Voice Heard

Vote in this LinkedIn poll to contribute to the conversation. I will use the responses to inform my articles in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Forbes.

Poll: While working remotely, did you experience proximity bias, the favoring of in-person workers?

Your Testimonials

You and others who gain value from Disaster Avoidance Experts services and thought leadership occasionally share testimonials about your experience, such as the one below. You can read more testimonials here.

photo of Mike Ashcraft
"Dr. Gleb’s presentation definitely exceeded my expectations! Dr. Gleb was brought in to present during a webinar for the ISACA Chapter I am a board member of. His presentation of Decision Making and Risk Management Using Behavioral Science was detailed and engaging for the listeners. Using the breakout rooms in Zoom also helped to open up dialog between everyone on the webinar. I strongly recommend him to anyone looking for an interesting and engaging presentation."

Mike Ashcraft, Board Member, ISACA Harrisburg

What's Up With Me

Have you tried ChatGPT or other generative AI tools yet? I’ve asked this question of many well-educated, smart professionals, and have been surprised that many of them said that they haven’t. If you’re doing any writing, editing, coding, or image creation or editing, that’s like working with a hand tied behind your back. A number of those who I speak to tell me they have some "ugh" field around using generative AI tools, feeling vaguely like it might take people’s jobs or it would make their work unoriginal or something like that. To me, that sounds like those accountants in the 1970s who said that using a calculator would make their accounting unoriginal. Generative AI is just a tool, and a very important one - you better learn to use it, so you can focus on using your own efforts where they matter most. That’s what I told one lawyer friend recently, and after he hemmed and hawed he said he’ll start to use generative AI. If you’re in his shoes, I suggest you do the same.

Here is an image I created using the Microsoft Bing Image Creator using the prompt "happy female executive working from home on a laptop."
Image generated using Image Creator from Bing
Would love to get your feedback on what you found most useful about this edition of the "Wise Decision Maker Guide" - simply reply to this email.

Decisively Yours,

Dr. Gleb

photo of Gleb Tsipursky
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please add me.

Did you miss out on reading any of my bestselling books?

book - Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters
book - The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better
book - Returning to the Office and
Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams
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rotect yourself from decision disasters by signing up for the free
Wise Decision Maker Course, which includes 8 weekly video-based modules.

Let's be safe! 👍
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Disaster Avoidance Experts is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting science-based truth-seeking and wise decision-making. All profits are donated to Intentional Insights, an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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