Wise Decision Maker Guide
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Disaster Avoidance Experts

Greetings Decision maker,

The assumption that having employees in the office for three days a week is the optimal solution for hybrid work is misguided. The three-day work week emerged as a popular solution amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic. As companies experimented with hybrid work models, this arrangement appeared to strike a balance between the benefits of remote work and the need for in-person collaboration. However, the adoption of this model by numerous organizations has led to the misconception that it’s universally applicable, even though this one-size-fits-all approach fails to consider the unique needs of the customers.

The effectiveness of a three-day work week varies significantly across industries and roles. For instance, in sectors like software development or creative services, a greater degree of remote work might be feasible without any loss in productivity or sacrifice of customer needs. On the other hand, industries or functions that rely heavily on in-person interactions, such as sales, may require more on-site presence to maintain customer service quality. Leaders should adopt an agile approach, one that prioritizes customer needs and adapts to the ever-evolving business landscape.

To learn more, check out this blog.

Read Blog

Prefer video to text? See this video based on the blog:

#244: How to Prioritize Customer Needs in RTO Plans

If you prefer audio, listen to this podcast based on the blog:

Podcast: How to Prioritize Customer Needs in RTO Plans

Make Your Voice Heard

Vote in this LinkedIn poll to contribute to the conversation. I will use the responses to inform my articles in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Entrepreneur.

Poll: Is your motivation higher when working remotely or from the office?

Your Testimonials

You and others who gain value from Disaster Avoidance Experts services and thought leadership occasionally share testimonials about your experience, such as the one below. You can read more testimonials here.

“Working with Dr. Gleb was a pleasure; he is both easy to work with and fully prepared for interactive discussion. I’ve now attended two of his talks and am very pleased with how relevant his information is considering the current situation faced in our daily lives. He gives applicable suggestions which are easy to understand and implement. Our Executive Team was especially willing to implement several of his suggestions in our office as we transition to a hybrid environment. I would highly suggest him as an expert in his field.”

Cyndi Lubrano, Business Manager, Auditor's Office, City and County of Denver

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What's Up With Me

I was in Seattle recently to present a keynote for Microsoft’s annual conference for Chief Learning and Training Officers on “How to Solve the Problem of Innovation in Distributed Work via Behavioral Science and Generative AI.” After the event I went to visit Tom Kraft, the owner of Norpac Fisheries Export, a client who I helped with strategic planning and who became a friend. He lives on Whidbey Island, about an hour north of Seattle, and spending a few days there was an opportunity to learn something new and different about how people live and experience this part of the world.

It was fascinating to learn about island life and spend time with someone who has deep life-long roots in a place, knowing and having connections with all the neighbors. Such a deep connection to a place is not something I’ve ever experienced, and it revealed a different side of life to me.  Another new experience was helping Tom put his boat into the water after it was in dry dock in his yard for the winter. We were caught in a heaby rainstorm while we were on the water, and Tom told me this means I had a real “Pacific Northwest” experience. I look forward to returning again some time. 

Here is a photo of me enjoying the amazing views of Puget Sound on the ferry to Whidbey Island (I’m overdressed because I’m coming straight from the Microsoft conference 🙂).

Photo of Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Would love to get your feedback on what you found most useful about this edition of the “Wise Decision Maker Guide” - simply reply to this email.

Decisively Yours,

Dr. Gleb

photo of Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please add me.

Did you miss out on reading any of my bestselling books?

Book cover: Never Go With Your Gut

Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019)

Book cover: The Blindspots Between Us

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships (New Harbinger, 2020)

Book cover: Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams

Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021)

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Disaster Avoidance Experts is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting science-based truth-seeking and wise decision-making. All profits are donated to Intentional Insights, an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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