Wise Decision Maker Guide
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Disaster Avoidance Experts

Greetings Decision maker,

The decision on long-term return to office and hybrid work arrangements is no small matter. It’s like choosing between a thrilling roller coaster ride and a serene Ferris wheel experience – there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. As a leader, making the right choice for your organization’s RTO strategy is crucial, but haste makes waste. That’s why you need a thorough, transparent, and evidence-driven process to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure success.

Imagine throwing a dart at a dartboard, blindfolded, while standing on a skateboard. This is what making a rushed decision on office and hybrid work arrangements looks like. You might hit the bullseye, but chances are, you’ll miss the mark. A hurried decision can lead to a myriad of problems, including undermining retention, recruitment, engagement, productivity, development of junior staff, innovation, collaboration, and culture. 

To learn more, check out this blog.

Read Blog

Prefer video to text? See this video based on the blog:

#235: Four Steps to the Perfect RTO Strategy

If you prefer audio, listen to this podcast based on the blog:

Podcast: Four Steps to the Perfect RTO Strategy

Make Your Voice Heard

Vote in this LinkedIn poll to contribute to the conversation. I will use the responses to inform my articles in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Entrepreneur.

Poll: Is remote work fostering better or worse work habits?

Your Testimonials

You and others who gain value from Disaster Avoidance Experts services and thought leadership occasionally share testimonials about your experience, such as the one below. You can read more testimonials here.

Testimonial from Jay Reyes, Chief Counsel at the American Bar Association

“I wanted to thank you for speaking recently at our Spring 2024 National Legal Malpractice Conference. We really enjoyed having you and hearing you discuss proximity bias. It was really a worthwhile event and conversation for our panel who really didn't know a great deal about it or a lot of the implications related to it. We really appreciated all the energy and obvious underlying knowledge that you have related to the topic. All of our panelists really enjoyed hearing from you, our guests enjoyed hearing from you, and we look forward to working with you again.”

Jay Reyes, Chief Counsel at the American Bar Association

Schedule a Free Consultation

What's Up With Me

It’s strawberry season at the Tsipursky-Vishnevkin household (yes, both my wife and I kept our last names when we got married, and we’d have to put some thought into a last name for our children if we ever have any, which is not currently in our plans). Strawberries are the first fruit crop of the season, and I’m excited that all the effort we put into them over the last several years is paying off. We bought a few small strawberry plants, and planted them in what was approximately one-tenth of our current strawberry patch, which you can see in the photo below. Then, over the course of several years, we expanded the patch and encouraged the strawberry plants to take over the larger area (it’s pretty easy to do, they’re excellent multipliers and send out plenty of runners). Now we’re enjoying the fruits of our labor, as you can see in the second photo below: the season's first harvest was over 5 cups. 

It’s truly rewarding to enjoy something you invested several years of effort and patience into and finally get to reap the rewards of that investment. This is a part of my broader philosophy of having a five-year time horizon, trying to make investments that will pay off in the next five years. Beyond that, the horizon is too uncertain (I don't know whether I will still live in this house in five years or whether I keep being interested in strawberries, etc.). And a shorter time horizon inhibits worthwhile long-term investments that pay off if we delay gratification and push toward the future. What’s your own time horizon and why did you choose it? 

photo of strawberry patch
photo of strawberries in a large plastic containe

Would love to get your feedback on what you found most useful about this edition of the “Wise Decision Maker Guide” - simply reply to this email.

Decisively Yours,

Dr. Gleb

photo of Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please add me.

Did you miss out on reading any of my bestselling books?

Book cover: Never Go With Your Gut

Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019)

Book cover: The Blindspots Between Us

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships (New Harbinger, 2020)

Book cover: Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams

Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021)

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Disaster Avoidance Experts is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting science-based truth-seeking and wise decision-making. All profits are donated to Intentional Insights, an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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