Wise Decision Maker Guide
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Disaster Avoidance Experts

Greetings Decision maker,

"Do we really need to go to the office?"

Many employees are asking this question in the face of the leadership at major companies like Amazon, Apple, Disney, Starbucks, and JP Morgan mandating three or more days a week of office-based work. Employees are adamant that they are doing their jobs effectively at home, and data supports the improved productivity of remote work. At the same time, many leaders feel that remote work undermines areas like communication, coordination, and cybersecurity. 

However, with the advent of generative AI like ChatGPT, we are on the cusp of realizing the full potential of remote and hybrid work by reducing – while not eliminating – the benefits of office visits. Over the past few months, an increasing number of business leaders I talk to are focused on how generative AI can help unlock the full power of remote and hybrid workforces. That includes enabling more effective information sharing, enhancing communication and collaboration, improving productivity and efficiency, supporting knowledge management and skill development, and ensuring security and privacy.

To learn more, check out thisblog.

Read Blog

Prefer video to text? See this video based on the blog:

#221: The AI Revolution Liberating Workers from the Office

If you prefer audio, listen to this podcast based on the blog:

Make Your Voice Heard

Vote in this LinkedIn poll to contribute to the conversation. I will use the responses to inform my articles in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Entrepreneur.

Your Testimonials

You and others who gain value from Disaster Avoidance Experts services and thought leadership occasionally share testimonials about your experience, such as the one below. You can read more testimonials here.

Testimonial by Vistage Chair Chet Tart for Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

"I highly recommend Dr. Gleb coming to your Vistage meeting because it was an outstanding presentation. It was a presentation about really how you think, what kind of questions to ask, how to get through difficult situations. And the biggest thing we talk about at Vistage is decisions. After you leave this meeting, you're gonna find out better ways of making decisions and the choices you make and the impact that it has on your business, your personal life, and your spiritual life."

Chet Tart, Vistage Chair

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What’s Up With Me

It was emotionally difficult to push myself to prune the trees in my backyard garden. It feels really hard to cut off so much of last year's growth: it feels wasteful, like I’m reducing their potential to bear fruit this year and beyond. Sure, all of the tree experts say you need to prune trees to get the best harvest, and I accept that I’m no expert and should listen to them, but it’s still difficult to bring myself to do it. I have to overcome unpleasant emotions and feelings of sadness in order to make the difficult cuts that result in trees maximizing fruit production for this season and beyond. 

It reminds me, to some extent, of the work involved in editing my writing: cutting down longer articles to make them as concise and readable as possible for my audience, while still retaining the key ideas, supporting points, and illustrative examples. Similarly to pruning trees, it feels wasteful and saddening to cut away the phrases I created. 

Still, in both cases, the outcome will be better. I am less confident about the trees, since I’m no expert, but I have to trust the experts. I am much more confident in my writing, since I am an expert there. And my knowledge of the benefits of pruning my writing helps motivate me to prune my trees.

In what areas of your life do you have to make tough pruning decisions to achieve the best outcomes? How do you deal with the unpleasant feelings involved?

Split image of a gardener pruning a large shrub next to an image of a writer working at a desk.

Would love to get your feedback on what you found most useful about this edition of the “Wise Decision Maker Guide” - simply reply to this email.

Decisively Yours,

Dr. Gleb

photo of Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please add me.

Did you miss out on reading any of my bestselling books?

Book cover: Never Go With Your Gut
Book cover: The Blindspots Between Us
Book cover: Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams

Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019)

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships(New Harbinger, 2020)

Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage(Intentional Insights, 2021)

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Disaster Avoidance Experts is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting science-based truth-seeking and wise decision-making. All profits are donated to Intentional Insights, an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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